A Warm Welcome
Skyline Gila River is a 5th-12th grade non-profit, tuition free, open enrollment public charter with highly individualized instruction and small classes creating a family-like, community-centered environment. Skyline Gila River currently serves 100% Native American students from the Gila River Indian Reservation.
Skyline Gila River is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by the Gila River Indian Community.
We are dedicated to ensuring students succeed to their highest potential no matter their current level. We focus on providing at risk students with high quality educational programs and services designed to stimulate life-long learning while developing character through academics, athletics and the arts.
It is the mission of Skyline Gila River to provide each student and family with high quality college and career ready educational programs designed to stimulate life-long learning while developing character through academics, athletics, the arts and leadership.
Art programs are integrated into the daily schedule just as athletic programs to provide students with stimulation around the Arts. Years of research shows that Art is closely linked to almost everything that we as a nation say we want for our children and demand from our schools: academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity (Smith, Edutopia,org).
Skyline Gila River athletic program is among the best in the state. Our coaching staff consist of highly qualified professionals who provide the best opportunity for every student-athlete. The purpose of our sports programs is to provide an educationally safe and sound program; that emphasizes participation, cooperation, healthy sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork and a competitive edge for all our athletes.
As a student of learning, you must set high expectations for yourself. We challenge students to set their own set of goals to achieve success. Each student is different but taking ownership of your results is a constant.
It is as important for parents to participate in their students’ educational experience as it is students. Understanding that our students’ minds are young and can be molded and shaped into a successful, valuable contributor to the world. It is a journey that extends beyond school into the home and must be supported by family.
Preparing for your future is a daunting task and must be planned carefully if you want to be successful. There are basic steps to help students plan their future. Along with working hard to get the grades necessary in academic courses, part of these steps include evaluating what you enjoy, where you would like to live, how you would like to contribute in life, what kind of civic contribution you can make, completing required ACT or SAT testing, completing applications and pulling it all together!
From Our Community
News & Events
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On October 3rd, Skyline Gila River hosted their 2024 homecoming game which featured the Arizona Cardinals coming by and showing support.
Skyline Gila River put its name on the map and to a high standard after competing for the first time ever in the International SeaPerch Challenge in College Park, Maryland.
Introducing Dual Enrollment at Skyline Gila River!
Nine students from Skyline Gila River are to compete at the 2024 International SeaPerch Challenge to be held at the University of Maryland-College Park on May 31st to June 1st of the present year.